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Plant Focus

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Animals, plants, and fungi depend on this humble tree, but its future—and theirs—is all but certain.

Prioritizing Areas For the Conservation of Quercus humboldtii Bonpl.

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C.E. González-Orozco, C.C. Sosa, J.D. Palacio, and A. Jarvis

Published May 2024 in International Oaks No. 35: 79–94


Forests in the north of the Andean Mountain Range in Colombia harbor diverse populations of Quercus humboldtii Bonpl. Unfortunately, the habitat of this iconic species is under severe threat from climate change, deforestation, and land-use changes. Urgent action is required necessitating the prioritization of strategic areas for the protection of Q. humboldtii. To identify these priority areas, we conducted comprehensive analyses including gap conservation analysis, species distribution modelling focusing on extreme climate conditions from 1980 to

2010, and habitat suitability assessment. Our research revealed that extreme climate events have significantly influenced the species’ climate suitability. Alarmingly, only 19.4% of climatically suitable conservation gaps for Q. humboldtii are currently safeguarded within the national network of protected areas. The most urgent conservation targets are the Andean oak forests located in the southwestern departments of Colombia, namely Nariño, Cauca, Valle del Cauca, and Huila. These areas, currently lacking protection, have experienced the most substantial habitat losses due to extreme hot and dry conditions. Therefore, they demand immediate attention and conservation efforts. To enhance the conservation planning of Q. humboldtii, we propose five prioritization categories based on urgency.


Andean region, climate change, mitigation, roble común, roble colombiano, South America


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