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About the IOS
The International Oak Society (IOS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to collaboration for the conservation, study, and appreciation of oaks (genus Quercus) around the world. The society was founded in 1992 and has since grown to become a global network of oak enthusiasts, including scientists, academics, conservationists, horticulturists, and amateurs who share a passion for these magnificent trees and shrubs and their essential roles in natural ecosystems and the human landscape.
The IOS provides a platform for members to connect with each other, share information, and work together in various activities related to oaks. Among botanical societies, the IOS is especially known for promoting the mutual exchange of knowledge between lay and scientific communities. IOS activities include Triennial Conferences, Tours, Open Days, and workshops (see Past and Upcoming Events on our website for examples). The Society’s publications consist of the scientific journal International Oaks, the newsletter Oak News & Notes, a website, and a free e-bulletin, The Cupule, distributed to around 2,000 subscribers four times a year. Members have access to a Membership Directory that allows them to network with oak enthusiasts all over the world. The IOS also maintains a comprehensive database of oak species and cultivars (the Oak Name Checklist: www.oaknames.org), and the IOS was appointed as International Cultivar Registration Authority (ICRA) for the genus Quercus by the Commission for Nomenclature and Cultivar Registration of the International Society for Horticultural Science in 1998.
More recently the IOS has actively promoted the conservation of threatened or endangered oak species and their habitats as well as historic oak trees. This includes supporting research on oak ecology, conservation, and restoration as well as engaging in advocacy efforts to promote and protect oak habitats. These activities are sponsored by the Society’s Oak Conservation and Research Fund.
For more information and to become a member of the IOS, write to membership@internationaloaksociety.org