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Plant Focus
International Oaks - Table of Contents
Click on article titles below to access them. Note that the three latest Journals are only available to IOS members.
International Oaks No. 35 - 2024
- Foreword: The Color of Experience - Dirk Giseburt
Introduction: On the Road Again - Béatrice Chassé
A Quercus myrsinifolia Conundrum - Béatrice Chassé
Quercus ×hispanica Lam. Resurrected - Allen J. Coombes and Francisco M. Vázquez
- Two New Species from Mexico and Vietnam - Béatrice Chassé and Allen J. Coombes
Conserving Syngameons: Thinking Outside the Species Box - Charles H. Cannon
Another Side of Oaks - Ronald A. Russo
Ancient DNA, Oaks, Forests, and Humans - Antoine Kremer
Incorporating Ecological Niche Analysis in Evolutionary Studies - Ricardo Gaytán-Legaria and Antonio González-Rodríguez
Maritime Chaparral in Critical Danger - E. Vanderplank, J.T. Burgess, and J. Riley
Prioritizing Areas for the Conservation of Quercus humboldtii - C.E. González-Orozco, C.C. Sosa, J.D. Palacio, and A. Jarvis
Happy As an Oak Tree in Town - Stéphane Rave
Conserving the Fagaceae of Taiwan - Dr. Joeri S. Strijk and Roderick Cameron
New and Lesser-Known Cultivars, Three Lost Cultivars, and a List of Cultivar Trademarks - Eike Jablonski and Ryan Russell
Oak Open Days: Penrice Castle and Glanusk Estate, UK, July 1-2, 2023 - Roderick Cameron and Shaun Haddock
Oak Study Day: Chevithorne Barton, UK, July 21, 2023 - James MacEwen and Roderick Cameron
Tour of Oregon and Northern California, USA, September 17-24, 2023 - Nick Lake
More Mexican Meanderings - Béatrice Chassé and Jeannine Cavender-Bares
Oak Open Days: Texas, USA, October 12-16, 2023 - Roderick Cameron
International Oak Society, Sponsors, Institutional Members and Supporting Members
International Oaks No. 34 - 2023
Foreword: Coming out of Cryo in Las Cruces - Roderick Cameron
Preface: Quercus in the Desert and Beyond - Ryan Russell
Introduction: Around the World in So Many Oaks - Béatrice Chassé
Conservation Needed for the Fagaceae in Southeastern Taiwan - Yueh-Fong Chen, Kuoh-Cheng Yang, Fu-Che Pan, Ai-Kuang Tung, and Fuh-Jiunn Pan
New and Lesser-Known Oak Cultivars 2021-2022 - Ryan Russell and Eike J. Jablonski
Quercus ×sternbergii (Sternberg’s Oak): a New US Hybrid - Allen J. Coombes and Thierry Lamant
Innovation and Introgression in the Continental Radiations of Fagaceae Across the Northern Hemisphere - Paul S. Manos
Lessons From 45 Years of Oak Regeneration at Stanford University - Dave Muffly
Saving the US Champion Oak from Wildfire - Dr. Timothy Krantz
The Rectification of Oak Names - Roderick Cameron
Quercus ilex subsp. ballota Benefits from Juniperus oxycedrus - João P.F. Carvalho
Oak Savanna Restoration in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA - Mark Krautmann
Israeli Oaks: a Contemporary Portal to Ancient Knowledge - Amit Raphael Zoran
Ex-Situ Conservation Initiatives for Quercus cedrosensis - Tony Gurnoe
Climatic Niche Evolution of the Cyclobalanopsis - Dong-Mei Jin, Quan Yuan, Xi-Ling Dai, Gregor Kozlowski, and Yi-Gang Song
GCCO Mexico and Central America: Advances and Challenges - Maricela Rodríguez-Acosta and Allen J. Coombes
Time, Space, Function: Biogeography of the Mexican Oaks - Andrew L. Hipp, with Kieran Althaus, Allen J. Coombes, M. Socorro González-Elizondo, Antonio González-Rodríguez, Marlene Hahn, Paul Manos, and Hernando Rodríguez Correa
A New Conservation Program for the Endangered Quercus acerifolia - Mark V. Coggeshall, Ryan Russell, and Amy Byrne
Shoot-Tip Cryopreservation for Oak Conservation - Gillian M. Ross and Valerie C. Pence
Improving Shoot Survival In Vitro Through Ethylene Inhibition - Max Winkeljohn
California’s Oak Habitat for Endangered, Threatened, and Candidate Species - Angela Moskow
The Albany Pine Bush: a Local Oak Hotspot in Upstate New York - Philip M. Crim
Increasing Oak Forest Resiliency in Southern New England - Christopher Riely, Maria Janowiak, Amanda Mahaffey, and Thomas Worthley
My Journey with Oaks - James Harris
New Oak Introductions for California - Dave Muffly
Pre-Conference Tour, August 27-30, 2022, West Texas - Elizabeth Thomas
Pre-Conference Tour, August 27-30, 2022, New Mexico - Guy Sternberg
Post-Conference Tour, September 3-6, 2022, Arizona - Sairus Patel
International Oak Society Sponsors, Donors, Institutional Members, Supporting Members
International Oaks No. 33 - 2022
In Memoriam - Bill Hess
Foreword: The Joy of Small Things (in Oaks) - Dirk Giseburt
Introduction: Fasten Your Seat Belts! - Béatrice Chassé
A Tale of Two Lonely Oaks: Quercus acerifolia and Q. humboldtii - Yingtong “Amanda” Wu
Revisiting the Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Problems of the Quercus sinuata Walter Complex - Ronald Lance
Quercus ×libanerris ‘Tromper’: An Error Disinterred - Gert Fortgens and Roderick Cameron
Some Eastern European Oak Hybrids and Their Names - Patrick Vereecke
A Delayed Fertilization Process in Quercus acutissima and Its Ecological Significance - Min Deng, Cheng-Cheng Shi, Kai-Pin Yao, and Qian-Sheng Li
Old-Growth Quercus faginea in Portugal - Hugo Ribeiro, João Tomás, João Pires, Sofia Quaresma, João Soutinho, and Carlos Vila-Viçosa
International Dendrology Society in Southwestern France and Northern Spain - Stephen Wood
Arboretum de Chocha, France - Michel Duhart
The Oaks of New York City - Roderick Cameron
Developing the Oak Collection at the Jardim Botânico da Universidade do Porto, Portugal - Carlos Vila-Viçosa, Teresa Matos Fernandes, João Moreira, João Junqueira, Joana Tinoco, Iuri Frias, and Paulo Farinha Marques
Jean-Louis Hélardot: a Passion for Understanding Oaks - Béatrice Chassé
International Oak Society Institutional Members and Supporting Members
International Oaks No. 32 - 2021
Foreword: Conversation with Trees - Timothy M. Boland
Introduction: The Multifaceted Oak - Béatrice Chassé
Notes on Two Recently Described Mexican Oaks - Luz María González-Villarreal
A New Interpretation of Mexico’s Racemose Red Oaks - Ross A. McCauley
Evolution in action: rapid genetic and demographic changes in Q. petraea and Q. robur - Antoine Kremer
An Oak by Any Other Name - Roderick Cameron
As Sweet As It Gets - Joan Montserrat
Q. leucotrichophora Forest as a Bird Habitat in the Western Himalayas - Ghazala Shahabuddin and Tarun Menon
Quercus rex: Distribution, Status, and Conservation - Qiansheng Li, Min Deng, and Mengmeng Gu
Revisiting Quercus ×ganderi in Carl Wolf’s Footsteps - Dirk Giseburt
New and Lesser-Known Cultivars 2020 - Ryan Russell, Eike J. Jablonski, and Allen J. Coombes
Il Bosco delle Querce di Ome, Italy, October 3, 2020 - Morgan Santini
Quercus pubescens and Friends in Sicily, October 18–23, 2020 - Morgan Santini
Oak Savana Medicine: a Quest by Bike in Iowa, USA - Suzanne Bartlett Hackenmiller
In Our Garden - Béatrice Chassé
International Oak Society Institutional Members and Supporting Members
International Oaks No. 31 - 2020
In Memoriam. Lloyd Kenyon - Béatrice Chassé
Foreword: Masting Behavior - Shaun Haddock
Introduction: As Time Goes By - Béatrice Chassé
Nomenclatural Notes. Mexican Oaks - Allen Coombes and Susana Valencia-A.
Quercus pseudosetulosa Q.S. Li & T.Y. Tu: A New Oak From Dawanshan Island, China - Qiansheng Li, Mengmeng Gu, and Min Deng
Quercus trungkhanhensis Binh & Ngoc: A New Oak From Vietnam - Béatrice Chassé
Identifying Evergreen Hybrids in the California Red Oaks - Al Keuter
Quercus garryana in Vancouver - Douglas Justice
Dehesa Australis. Productive Oak Savannah in Australia - Byron Joel
PCR vs. Isolation and the War Against Oak Wilt - Kevin Belter
Bench Grafting Cyclobalanopsis Oaks - Brian E. Humphrey
New and Lesser-Known Cultivars and Two New Cultivar Groups - Ryan Russell and Eike Jablonski
El Jardín del Rosario, Spain, October 25–28, 2017 - Béatrice Chassé
Bob Berry: Portrait of an Oak Collector, Hackfalls Arboretum, April 2019 - Roderick Cameron
Oak Open Days, Thorp Perrow Arboretum and Yorkshire Arboretum, UK, July 17–18, 2019 - Shaun Haddock
¡Viva México! September 27–October 18, 2019 - Béatrice Chassé
On the Trail of Oak Trees in Northwest India, October 5–26, 2019 - Josef Soucek
International Oak Society Institutional Members and Supporting Members
International Oaks No. 30 - 2019
- Foreword: California Dreamin’ - Shaun Haddock
- Preface: Setting the Stage in UC Davis - Emily Griswold
- Introduction: Of Oaks and Men - Béatrice Chassé
- Mortality and Resprouting in California Oak Woodlands Following Mixed-Severity Wildfire - David D. Ackerly, Melina Kozanitas, Prahlada Papper, Meagan Oldfather, and Matthew Clark
- The UC Davis Living Landscape Adaptation Plan - Mary Burke
- An Introduction to California’s Oak Diversity - Pamela C. Muick
- Acorn Production and California Oaks in a Changing World -Walter D. Koenig
- “Pharaoh’s Dance”: the Oak Genomic Mosaic - Andrew L. Hipp
- Genetic Diversity and Conservation of Neotropical Oaks - Hernando Rodríguez Correa
- Major Asian Lineages of the Family Fagaceae - Charles H. Cannon
- The Oaks of Vietnam: Origin, Evolution and Genomic Diversity - Joeri S. Strijk and Damien D. Hinsinger
- The Oaks of Silicon Valley from the 1850s to Today - Erica Spotswood, Robin Grossinger, Steve Hagerty, Erin Beller, April Robinson, and Letitia Grenier
- Seed to Seedling: Inspiring Kids While Growing Oaks for Our Future - Pamela Frickmann Sanchez and Zarah Wyly
- Insect Herbivores on Urban Native Oak Trees - Ian Pearse
- Birds and Oaks in California’s Urban Forest - Daniel A. Airola and Steven E. Greco
- Functional Diversification in the “Roburoid” and “Cerris” Oaks - J.A. Ramírez-Valiente, R. López, and I. Aranda
- Oak Community Diversity Affects Nitrogen Concentration in Litter and Soil - Antonio González-Rodríguez, Felipe García-Oliva, Yunuen Tapia-Torres, Alberto Morón-Cruz, Bruno Chávez-Vergara, Brenda Baca-Patiño, and Pablo Cuevas-Reyes
- Population Genetics of Quercus macrocarpa - Mira Garner, Kasey Pham, Alan T. Whittemore, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Paul F. Gugger, Paul S. Manos, Ian S. Pearse, and Andrew L. Hipp
- Episodic Hybrid Advantage Keeps Species Boundaries Low in Oaks - Warren B. Chatwin, Mark V. Coggeshall, and Jeanne Romero-Severson
- Reforestation of the Sharon with Quercus ithaburensis - Ezra Barnea
- Oak Woodland Regeneration and the 2017 Tubbs Fire - Michelle Halbur, Sasha Berleman, Michael Gillogly, Devyn Friedfel, and Tosha Comendant
- Oak Decline and Mortality in the Golan Heights - Idan Kopler and Oded Bar-Shalom
- Drought and Beetle Impacts to Native Trees in the Santa Monica Mountains - Rosi Dagit
- Potential Role of Epigenetic Processes in Oak Populations - Victoria L Sork, Luke Browne, Sorel Fitz-Gibbon, and Matteo Pellegrini
- Modeling Ancient Potential for Gene Flow in California White Oaks - Prahlada Papper
- Agrifoliae: the California Red Oaks - Al Keuter and Paul S. Manos
- Disentangling the Phylogenetic Network of the California Red Oaks - Richard S. Dodd and Prahlada Papper
- Managing Oak Wilt - Guy Sternberg
- Micropropagation of Quercus arbutifolia - Qiansheng Li, Min Deng, and Mengmeng Gu
- Making Southwest U.S. Oak Cultivars Available - Mark Krautmann
- Evaluation of Evergreen Quercus, Section Cyclobalanopsis at the JC Raulston Arboretum - Mark Weathington
- Using California’s Legislation to Keep Oaks Standing - Angela Moskow
- Urban Oak Landscapes of the Future - Bryan R. Denig, Miles Schwartz Sax, and Nina L. Bassuk
- Choosing Tomorrow’s Urban Trees for France - Thierry Lamant
- Climate Change Impacts on Oaks in Oaxaca - John N. Williams, Raul Rivera, Hyeyeong Choe, Mark W. Schwartz, and James H. Thorne
- New Efforts in Mexican Oak Conservation - Allen J. Coombes, Susana Valencia-A., and Maricela Rodríguez Acosta
- Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia in Iberian Dehesas - Hendrik Brand
- A Sustainable Future for Use of Notholithocarpus densiflorus Acorns - Frank K. Lake
- Chasing Quercus kelloggii on Santa Cruz Island - Jonathan W. Long, Richard S. Dodd, John J. Knapp, and Angel Fernandez i Marti
- Cork Wars in World War II: Oaks, Espionage and National Security - David A. Taylor
- Plant Collections Network Multisite Quercus Collection - Matthew Lobdell
- Cultivated Oaks of the World - Roderick Cameron and Allen Coombes
- The Morton Arboretum’s Oak Conservation Efforts in Latin America - Audrey Denvir, Silvia Alvarez Clare, and Murphy Westwood
- The ConServator: Conservation Mapping and Oak Conservation - Timothy M. Boland
- A Holistic Approach to Investigating Acute Oak Decline - Sandra Denman, James Doonan, Nathan Brown, Martin Broberg, Elena Vanguelova, and James McDonald
- Oak Mortality Patterns in the Midwest USA - Rose-Marie Muzika and Randall Morin
- Phytophthora ramorum and Congenerics: Global Threats to Oaks - Christopher A. Lee, Susan J. Frankel, and David M. Rizzo
- New Cultivars 2018 - Ryan Russell and Eike J. Jablonski
- Lightning Talks
- Workshops
- Poster Sessions
- Pre-Conference Tour, October 15-18, 2018, Sierra Nevada - Dirk Giseburt
- Pre-Conference Tour, October 19-20, 2018, North Coast - Harry Baldwin
- Pre-Conference Day Trips
- Local Tours
- Post-Conference Tour, October 25-26, 2018, San Francisco Bay Area - Matthew Lobdell
- Post-Conference Tour, October 26-29, 2018, Central Coast - Shaun Haddock
- International Oak Society Service Awards
- Second International Oak Society Silent Auction
- International Oak Society Sponsors, Institutional Members and Supporting Members
- Index of Scientific Plant Names
International Oaks No. 29 - 2018
- Foreword: Turn to Oaks in a Time of Uncertainty - Tim Boland
- Introduction: Marvellous Miscellany - Shaun Haddock
- Updated Classification of Oaks: a Summary - Béatrice Chassé
- Nomenclatural Notes. Holm Oak Is Indeed Quercus ilex But Quercus candicans Is Not an Oak - Allen Coombes
- Quercus breedloveana Nixon & Barrie: a Recently Described Red Oak from Mexico - Susana Valencia-A.
- New Species from Around the World - Béatrice Chassé and Allen Coombes
- La Creole Orchards: a Truffle (Ad)Venture - Bogdan Caceu
- Living in the Magic of Trees - Thomas Allocca
- Niche Characterization of Oaks in Lebanon - Jean Stephan, Lara Chayban, and Federico Vessella
- Interrogating Ancient Oak Tree-Rings - N.J. Loader, G.H.F. Young, D. McCarroll, D. Davies, D. Miles, and C. Bronk Ramsey
- The Oaks of Hong Kong: Evolutionary and Morphological Diversity on a Continental Margin - Joeri Sergej Strijk
- The Oaks of the Americas Conservation Network - Audrey Denvir, Murphy Westwood, Allen Coombes, and Andrew Hipp
- Linking Science and Practice for Oak Ecosystem Recovery in the Chicago Wilderness Region - Melissa Custic, Charles H. Cannon, Emily Okallau, and Lydia Scott
- New and Recently Published Cultivars - Eike J. Jablonski and Ryan Russell
- Scouting and Collecting Rare Oaks in the Trans-Pecos for Ex-Situ Conservation, 2016 - Emily Griswold, Shannon Still, and Andrew McNeil-Marshall
- More Texas Travels. September 4-22, 2017 - Béatrice Chassé
- Oaks in Iran. September 28-October 16, 2016 - Josef Souček
- International Oak Society 25th Anniversary - Béatrice Chassé and Charles Snyers
- Brief Encounters with Copey Oak (Quercus copeyensis) in Costa Rica. October 27-30, 2017 - Roderick Cameron
- 9th International Oak Society Conference
- Index of Scientific Names
International Oaks No. 28 - 2017
- Foreword: Happy 25th! - Guy Sternberg
- Preface: What now? - Charles Snyers d 'Attenhoven
- Introduction: A Ripe Young Age - Béatrice Chassé
- Chevithorne Barton. A Tribute to Michael Heathcoat Amory - Christine Battle, Béatrice Chassé, Allen Coombes, James MacEwen
- Quercus meavei Valencia-A., Sabás & Soto: a Recently Described Oak From Eastern Mexico - Susana Valencia-A.
- Evolutionary Drivers, Proximate Mechanisms, and Spatial Synchrony of Acorn Production in Oaks - Walter D. Koenig, Mario B. Pesendorfer, and Johannes M. H. Knops
- Quercus oglethorpensis W.H. Duncan: Ex-Situ Conservation Through Collaborative Cultivation - Matthew Lobdell
- Nineteenth Century Wild-Sourced Quercus canariensis Willd. Confirmed at Anlaby - Charlie Buttigieg and Francisco M. Vázquez Pardo
- Genetic Distinctions Among Oaks in the University of California, Davis Arboretum: Contributions to Oak Phylogeny - Terence M. Murphy and Daniel Potter
- Quercus look Kotschy: a Distinct Mt. Hermon Species - Michael Avishai
- New Oak Cultivars 2017 - Ryan Russell and Eike J. Jablonski
- Oak Open Days, Gredington Park and Ness Botanic Gardens. United Kingdom, July 11-12, 2015 - Christopher Carnaghan
- A Tale of Two Islands - Béatrice Chassé
- Oak Open Days, Argentina, April 22-24, 2016 - Roderick Cameron
- The History of the Fagaceae at Caerhays Castle - Béatrice Chassé
- Oak Open Days, Heanley Farm and Thenford House, United Kingdom, July 17-18, 2016 - Christopher Carnaghan
- Oak Open Days, Southern New Mexico, September 24-30, 2016 - Ryan Russell
- Checking Out the Oaks in Chiriquí - Roderick Cameron
- Index of Latin Plant Names
International Oaks No. 27 - 2016
- In Memoriam: Michael Heathcoat Amory (1941 - 2016)
- Foreword: Twenty-one Years After - Charles Snyers d'Attenhoven
- Preface: From Small Acorns - Sara Oldfield
- Introduction: Oak Research in 2015: a Snapshot from the IOS Conference - Andrew L. Hipp
- Systematics and Biogeography of the American Oaks - Paul S. Manos
- Diversity, Distribution and Ecosystem Services of the North American Oaks - Jeannine Cavender-Bares
- Drought Tolerance and Climatic Distributions of the American Oaks - Matthew Kaproth and Jeannine Cavender-Bares
- Phylogeny and Introgression of California Scrub White Oaks (Quercus section Quercus) - Victoria L. Sork, Erin Riordan, Paul F. Grugger, Sorel Fitz-Gibbon, Xinzeng Wei, and Joaquín Ortego
- A Tough Little Survivor: The West Texas Oak, Quercus hinckleyi - Janet Rizner Backs
- Landscape and Conservation Genetics of the Island Oak, Quercus tomentella - Mary V. Ashley, Janet R. Backs, and Saji T. Abraham
- Hybridization and Adaptive Divergence in Oaks - Olivier Gailing and Jennifer Riehl
- Asexual Propagation of Oak Hybrids: Our Progress, and the Challenges of Producing Clonal Plants - Nina L. Bassuk, Bryan R. Denig, and Miles Schwartz Sax
- Eating Acorns: What Story do the Distant, Far, and Near Past Tell Us, and Why? - Béatrice Chassé
- New and Lesser-Known Cultivars 2013-2015 - Ryan Russell and Eike Jablonski
- Anther Culture of Turkey Oak (Quercus cerris) - Joseph Rothleutner
- The Plant Collections Network and the Quercus Multisite Collection - Greg Paige
- Rescuing Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations in China: the Case of the Xichou oak, Quercus sichourensis - Weibang Sun, Zhekou Zhou, Wenyun Chen, Yuan Zhou, Lei Cai, Murphy Westwood, and Jessica Turner
- Conservation of Quercus arbutifolia, a Rare Oak, from Southern China’s Montane Cloud Forests - Min Deng, Xu Jun, Yi-Gang Song, and Xiao-Long Jiang
- A Genetic Map for the Lobatae - Arpita Konar, Olivia Choudury, Oliver Gailing, Mark V. Coggeshall, Margaret E. Staton, Scott Emrich, John E. Carlson, and Jeanne Romero-Severson
- Development of New Genomic Resources for Northern Red Oak, Quercus rubra - Christopher R. Heim, Mark V. Coggeshall, Arpita Konar, and Jeanne Romero-Severson
- Sustaining Oaks in the Chicago Region Landscape: Developing a Plan for Maintaining Oak Dominance in an Urban Landscape - Lindsay Darling and Robert T. Fahey
- Pathfinder: the Last Prairie Sentinel - Guy Sternberg
- Oaks in Puebla: Growing Successes and Failures, and New Research Topics - Maricela Rodríguez-Acosta, Allen J. Coombes, Carlos A. Paredes-Contreras, Stephanie Fernández-Velázquez, and Citlali Guevara-González
- Searching for the Hardy Southern Live Oak - Anthony Aiello
- The Last Basketmaker: Indiana’s Forgotten History of Oak-Rod Baskets - Jon Kay
- Are Resource Dynamics a Necessity for Oak Masting? - Ian Pearse
- Preserving Oak (Quercus sp.) Germplasm to Promote Ex-Situ Conservation - Christina Walters, Lisa Hill, Jennifer Crane, Marcin Michalak, Xia Ke, Jeffrey Carstens, Kevin Conrad, Murphy Westwood, Alison Colwell, Joanna Clines, and Pawel Chmielarz
- The Pace of Microevolution of European Oaks During Environmental Changes - Antoine Kremer
- Launching the Global Oak Conservation Initiative at The Morton Arboretum - Lisa Kenny and Murphy Westwood
- Workshops
- Poster Sessions:
- Bud-Forcing and Tissue Culture Propagation of Quercus
- Best Under Stress: Does An Episodic Hybrid Advantage Suppress Reproductive Barriers in Oaks?
- Oakcoding: a Nuclear DNA Barcode for Evolutionary Studies In Oaks
- An Audit of The Morton Arboretum Quercus Collection
- The Oak Collection of the Texas Arboretum at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
- Acorns As Food in the Republic of Korea
- In-Vitro Tools for the Ex-Situ Conservation of Quercus Species
- Documenting Quercus at the Chicago Botanic Garden
- The Red List of Oaks
- Pre-Conference Tour - Roderick Cameron
- The Morton Arboretum - Charles Snyers d’Attenhoven
- Post-Conference Tour - James Hitz
- International Oak Society Service Awards
- First International Oak Society Silent Auction
International Oaks No. 26 - 2015
- Foreword: The Difference We Make - Diana Gardener
- Should Hybridization Make Us Skeptical of the Oak Phylogeny? - Andrew Hipp
- Did Early Human Populations in Europe Facilitate the Dispersion of Oaks? - Antoine Kremer
- Quercus barrancana Spellenb.: a New Species of Oak from Northwest Mexico - Allen Coombes
- Quercus utilis Hu & W.C. Cheng Found in Vietnam - Tom Hudson
- Quercus mannifera Lindl.: a Confused Anatolian Endemic - Michael Avishai
- Three New Oak Hybrids from Southwest Iberia (Spain and Portugal) - Francisco M. Vázquez Pardo, Enrique Sánchez Gullón, Carlos Pinto-Gomes, Miguel Angel Pineda, David Garcia Alonso, Francisco Marquez Garcia, María José Guerra Barrena, José Blanco Salas, and Carlos Villaviçosa
- Ontario's Eleven: One Man's View - Tom Atkinson
- Oaks and the Biodiversity They Sustain - K. Bargali, B. Joshi, S.S. Bargali, and S.P. Sing
- Taking Oaks to the Limit in the Czech Republic - Béatrice Chassé
- Oak Adventures in China, September 24-October 27, 2013 - Josef Souček
- Oak Open Days, The Mud, Mosquitos, and Oaks of Mississippi, USA, June 27-29, 2014 - Ryan Russell
- Oak Open Days, Congrove, Leigh Delamere, Westonbirt, United Kingdom, July 6-7, 2014 - James MacEwen and Béatrice Chassé
- Oak Open Days, Trompenburg Tuinen & Arboretum, the Netherlands, August 28-29, 2014 - Dirk Benoit
- Oak Open Days, Southern Italy, October 19-22, 2014 - Bruno Van Puyenbroeck
- Glimpses of the Oaks of Bhutan, October 12-29, 2014 - David Long
International Oaks No. 25 - 2014
- Foreword: You Reap What You Sow (But Not Always) - Allen Coombes
- From the Editor: Sugar and Spice - Béatrice Chassé
- Update: Thoughts in Purple and Blue- Shaun Haddock
- Creating Sustainable Income From the Ancient Oak Forest on Kea Island, Greece - Marcie Mayer Maroulis
- Searching for the Hardy Southern Live Oak - Anthony S. Aiello and Michael S. Dosmann
- The Hybrid Oak That Time Forgot: Quercus ×coutinhoi Samp. Discovered in Australia - Charlie Buttigieg
- Sudden Oak Death, Phytophthora ramorum: a Persistent Threat to Oaks and Other Tree Species - Susan J. Frankel and Katharine M. Palmieri
- Diversity Within Oaks - Kiran Bargali, Beena Joshi, S.S. Bargali, and S.P. Singh
- The Mirbeck Oak in Iberia: Source of an Inspiration - Antonio Lambe
- Oak-Rod Baskets in Brown County: Historic Photographs of a Craft Tradition - Jon Kay
- The Anlaby Commemorative Oaks: an Extraordinary Case of Multiple Ground-Layered Branches in Quercus canariensis Willd. - Charlie Buttigieg
- Oak Open Day, Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, United Kingdom, July 29, 2013 - Hugh Angus
- Quercus senescens Hand.-Mazz.? - Béatrice Chassé
- Oak Open Day, Pavia Nusery, Belgium, September 22, 2013: The Art of Grafting - Eike Jablonski
- Oak Open Days, Aiken Oak and Horticultural Tour, USA, November 1-3, 2013 - Roderick Cameron
- In Search of Vietnam’s Elusive Oaks: Chassé-Colin-Snyers Vietnam 2013 (CCSV13) - Béatrice Chassé
International Oaks No. 24 - 2013
- Foreword: Of Oak and Vine - Charles Snyers d’Attenhoven
- From the Editor: Welcome to Your New International Oaks! - Béatrice Chassé
- Evolutionary Responses of European Oaks to Climate Change - Antoine Kremer
- Romania’s Oak Forests: Past and Future - Stelian Radu and Corina Coandâ
- Oaks of Cyprus - Eike Jablonski
- Madame Aimée Antoinette Camus: One of the Last Great Amateurs - Béatrice Chassé
- Taxonomy and Systematics of Quercus subgenus Cyclobalanopsis - Min Deng
- Using Phylogenomics to Infer the Evolutionary History of Oaks - Andrew Hipp, Paul S. Manos, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Deren A. Eaton
- Meeting With Oaks - Philippe de Spoelberch
- Black Trufles and Oak Trees in France and in Europe - Pierre Sourzat
- The Mark of the Oak Tree in Gascony: From Dugout Canoe to Brandy - Chantal Armagnac
- Bringing Scientific Oak Collections to Life for Garden Visitors - Emily Griswold
- Endangered Oak Resources in Europe and Around the Mediterranean Basin: Marginal Populations and Minor Species - Alexis Ducousso
- Resources and Pollination Affect Oak Masting Behavior - Ian Pearse and Walt Koenig
- Micromorphological and Anatomical Characters Used to Differentiate Mediterranean Oaks - Francisco M. Vázquez Pardo
- Trognes, Tétards, Emondes, Plesses: the Multiple Aspects and Uses of the Farmer’s Oak - Dominique Mansion
- The Bio-Geo-Chemical Process of Plant Nutrition and Soil Formation: Can This Help Us Grow Healthier Oaks? - Michael Martin Meléndrez
- Botanic Collections: A Tool for Selecting Species Adapted to Climate Change - Hervé Le Bouler
- Pruning Oaks: Training the Young to Achieve Grandeur - Guy Sternberg
- New and Recently Described Oak Cultivars - Eike Jablonski
- Highest Altitude Population of Quercus ilex L. in France - Thierry Lamant and Vincent Parmain
- Pre-Conference Tour, September 26-29 - Peter Laharrague
- Post-Conference Tour, October 3-7 - Allan Taylor
- Mission & Goals of the International Oak Society
International Oaks No. 23 - 2012
- Editorial - Béatrice Chassé
- Reflections upon Oak-Happy Days: The International Oak Society to 2012 - A. Coombes, E. Jablonski, R. Lance, G. Sternberg
- An Oak Named after My State - Larry Burford, Jr.
- A Tree Tale: Quercus semecarpifolia Sm. in Cornwall - Béatrice Chassé
- A Tale of Two Sites - Allen Coombes
- Oaks in a Difficult Climate: Arboretum de la Bergerette - Shaun Haddock
- Growing Mexican Oaks in Devon, UK - Michael Heathcoat Amory
- The Unique Nuttall Oak Tree at New Madrid, Missouri - Ryan Russell
- Normandy Bound - Destination: the Quercetum du Hanouard, August, 2011 - Béatrice Chassé
- Largest Known Quercus garryana Clone Discovered on a Steep Slope at the Boundary of Larrabee State Park, Washington, USA - J.M. Stewart, T.D. Marsico, D. Burge, J.J. Hellmann
- Oaks of the Texas Big Country - David Richardson
- Nonprofit Organization Preserves National Champion Oak Cross-Section - Zarah Wyly
- The Challenges of Ex-Situ Conservation for Threatened Oaks - Andrea T. Kramer and Valerie Pence
- Quercus 'Piers Trehane' - A New Oak Cultivar - Eike J. Jablonski
- A Gallery of our History - Guy Sternberg
- 7th International Oak Society Conference
International Oaks No. 22 - 2011
- Message from the Editor - Guy Sternberg
- Paternity and Pollination in Oaks, Answers Blowin' in the Wind - Mary V. Ashley
- Oak Diversity and Ecology on the Island of Martha's Vineyard - Timothy M. Boland
- A Botanic Oak Collection Recruited for Science - Béatrice Chassé
- Managing Change in an Illinois Oak Woodland - Henry Eilers
- The Collection of Oak Trees of Mexico and Central America in Iturraran Botanical Gardens - Francsico Garin Garcia
- A new Oklahoma station for Quercus sinuata Walt. var. brevifolia (Tor.) C.H. Muller - Allan R. Taylor
- A Wedding Under Oaks - David H. Kusnierz
- My Favorite Plant, Quercus pontica - J.R.P. van Hoey Smith
- 9490 Kilometres Across Mexico - Béatrice Chassé
- Oak Open Days - Portugal/Spain, 27-30 October 2010 - Jean-Louis Hélardot
- Oak Open Day in Belgium - Charles Snyers
- Uncle Oak: the Giant of Palomar Mountain - Joseph Wasyl
- A Gallery of Oaks - Historic Drawings - Guy Sternberg and Eike Jablonski
- Author's Guidelines
International Oaks No. 21 - 2010
- Message from the President - Béatrice Chassé
- Oaks of Puebla - Maricela Rodríguez-Acosta & Allen Coombes
- Mexican Quercus species in the Botanic Garden at Puebla University - M. R-Acosta, A. Coombes, K. Vega, L. Marin
- Introducing a Collaborative Oak Collection from North America - E. Griswold, K.Kim, A. Aiello, G. Sternberg
- Whom am I this time? The affinities and misbehaviors of Hill's oak - A Hipp, J. Weber, A. Srivastava
- New Oak Cultivars from Belgium and France - Eike J. Jablonski
- Some marginal populations of Holm Oak (Quercus ilex L.) in France - Thierry Lamant
- Inventory, Use, and Distribution of Genus Quercus in La Estada, Mexico - N. Herrera Casto, A. Hernández Abarca, E. Barrera Catalán, M. Rodríguez Acosta
- The Genetic Variability of Quercus grisea Liebm. in the Sierra Fria of Mexico - J.C. Rosas Osario et al.
- Xochitla Botanical Garden, The convservation of Oaks in Mexico City - O.M. Rodríguez et al.
- Oak Woods of Puebla - Ramírez Santamaría Lilia, Villavicencio Enriquez Eneida
- The Oaks of Mexican Bajío - Silvia Romero Rangel
- The Distribution of Oaks (Quercus) in Mexico and Neighbouring Countries - Piers Trehane
- Notes on the Genus Quercus in Mexico - Susana Valencia Avalos
- Diversity of the Gall Oak (Quercus faginea Lam.) in the Iberian Peninsula - F.M. Vázquez, M. Gutiérrez, S. Ramos
- Abstracts and Posters
- A Conference Gallery
- Board of Directors and Committees, 2009-2012
- Some of those who have helped make us what we are today
- Membership Enrollment Form
- Author's Guidelines
International Oaks No. 20 - 2009
- Message from the President - Allen Coombes
- Introduction from the Editors - Guy Sternberg & Ron Lance
- Clonal Oak Propagation by Grafting - Dirk Benoit
- Quercus tungmaiensis Y.T. Chang in cultivation - Allen J. Coombes, Zhou Zhekun
- English Oak (Quercus robur L.) in Shakinskaya Dubrava, Russia - Gennady A. Firsov, Vjacheslav V. Byalt
- The Mighty Oak of Kvill - Stefan Foconi
- Conserving Oaks in North American Plant Collections - Emily Griswold
- Celebrating the Tradition of Managing Trees in the Forest of Dean - Rob Guest
- Survivors--the Founding Member Trees of the Live Oak Society - William Guion
- Molecular Studies in Selected Oak Species - Lucia Vazquez
- An Interesting Hybrid Oak Population in Southeastern Colorado - Allan Taylor and Tim Buchanan
- A Review of the Taxonomic Status of Quercus ellipsoidalis and Quercus coccinea - David Shepard
- A Gallery of Oaks - G. Fortens, E. Jablonski, B. Schulz, P. de Spoelberch, G. Sternberg, M. Timacheff, and K. Tokunaga
International Oaks No. 19 - 2008
- International Oak Society Awards - Eike Jablonski
- The Case for Oaks in Residential Land Developments - David Bagwell
- Autumn Oaks - Wendy Brockman
- The Monument of Nature, Veshensky Great Oak, Russia - Gennady A. Firsov, Yuri A. Rebriev
- Rooting Stem Cuttings of Several Species within the Genus Quercus L. - Matthew H. Gocke, Danie .J. Robison, and Emrys Treasure
- The Purple Hairstreak - an Oak-Dependent Butterfly - Shaun Haddock
- Oak-hunting in Japan, Report on the IOS Japan Tour, October 2007 - Shaun Haddock
- Preliminary Report on the Relative Suitability of Quercus Taxa for Gypsy Moth Larval Development - Fredric Miller
- The Pine-Oak Rusts, How Forest Tree Species Connect - Detlev Vogler
- Oak Gallery - Bernd Schulz, Daniel Dumont, Eike Jablonski, Rob Guest, Guy Sternberg, Hugues Vaucher and Mike Tyner
- Membership Information, Author's Guidelines
International Oaks No. 18 - 2007
- Notes from the Past President - Eike Jablonski
- The Oaks of Cottonwood Creek Canyon - Tim Buchanan
- The Harold Hillier Arboretum — Documenting Oak Species and Cultivars - Allen Coombes
- Soil-dependent fire frequency: A new hypothesis for the distribution of prairies and oak woodlands/savannas in North Central and East Texas - George M. Diggs & Peter C. Schulze
- Range Expansion through Pollen Dispersal in Hybrid Studies in California Red Oaks - Richard S. Dodd
- Influence of Competition Control on the Survival of Planted Oak Seedlings - Andrew W. Ezell
- Bottomland Oak Afforestation in the Lower Mississippi - Emile S. Gardiner & Brian Roy Lockhart
- Taxonomy of Hill's Oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis E.J. Hill) ín the Chicago region: Preliminary molecular evidence - Andrew L. Hipp & Jaime A. Weber
- Taltree Arboretum and Gardens - James Hitz
- Poster exhibit - William Legge-Bourke
- Sudden Oak Death — an Update - Douglas McCreary
- Southwestern US Desert Oaks - Michael Martin Melendrez
- Comparative Genetic Mapping in the Quercus Genus: A Prelude - Inna Birchenko, Yi Feng, Jeanne Romero-Severson
- Photo Gallery - Béatrice Chassé, Jim Hitz, Guy Sternberg & Mike Tyner
- Authors' Guidelines, Board of Directors, Awards
International Oaks No. 17 - 2006
- Note from the President - Eike Jablonski
- Garry Oak (Quercus garryana) and its Form in the Environment and Cultural Landscape of Southwestern British Columbia, Canada - D. Cameron Campbell and Wayne Erickson
- The Oldest Oaks of Saint-Petersburg, Russia - Grenday Firsov and Alexej Vekshin
- A Botanist and Artist, Aimee Antoinette Camus (1879-1965) - Brigitte Fourier
- Some New and Little-Known Oak Cultivars - Allen J. Coombes and Eike Jablonski
- Oaks as Native American Trail Maker Trees - William McClain
- Quercus ellipsoidalis on Rims of Kettle Bogs in Ontario - G.A. Meyers
- Some Thoughts on Evolutionary and Phylogenetic Perspectives in the Oaks - Quercus and Lithocarpus - J. Smartt and R.J. White
- Cambirdge Oak (Quercus ×warburgii) an Intriguing Hybrid - J.R.P van Hoey Smith
- A Gallery of the White Oak, Quercus alba - Guy Sternberg
- A History of the Gudgel Oak - Guy Sternberg
- Authors' Guidelines
International Oaks No. 16 - 2005
- Note from the President - Eike Jablonski
- Past Hybridization Between Quercus macrocarpa and Quercus gambelii in Colorado - Tim Buchanan
- Oak Open Days - France 24-26 September 2004 - Béatrice Chassé
- The "Feimeiche" - A Historical Oak of Germany - Eike Jablonski
- Fodder and Burning Material - The Use of Oaks in Nepal and Adjacent Himalayan Regions - Eike Jablonski
- How Old Is this Oak? Determining the age of Quercus virginiana - Coleen Perilloux Landry
- The Land that Time Forgot: Southern Flatwood Oaks and Associates of the Tinly Creek Forest Preserve of Cook County, Illinois - David A. Shepard
- A Gallery of Bur Oaks - Guy Sternberg
- Authors' Guidelines
International Oaks No. 15 - 2004
- Introduction from the Editor - Ron Lance
- Speakers List
- An Overview of Oaks - Julian Evans
- Oak & Oak Forests in Caucasia - Peter Schmidt
- Travels in China - Roy Lancaster
- Diversity of Iberian Oaks - Francisco Vázquez, Soledad Ramos, Susana García
- Historical Information and the State of Oak Collections in France - Thierry Lamant
- Oaks in British and Irish Folklore - A.R. Vickery
- Oaks in Botanical Literature - Brent Elliott
- The Introduction of Oak Species into Britain and Ireland - Mary Forrest
- Improving Oak: a Breeding Program - Peter Savill, Jeff Burley, Gabriel Hemery
- European Oak Cultivars, Collections and Collectors - Eike Jablonski
- Growing, Selecting, and Establishing Quercus rubra and Q. alba Seedlings - Paul Kormanik, Shi-Jean Sung, Taryn Kormanik
- Naming Oak cultivars: Introducing the Cultivar Name Registration From - PiersTrehane
- Sudden Oak Death in California, An Overview - Douglas McCreary
- The British and Irish Hardwoods Improvement Programme (BIHIP) - Jeffery Burley, Peter Savill, Gabriel Hemery, John Davis
- Oak Open Forests in the Iberian Peninsula and their Products - Enrique Balbuena and Esperanza Doncel
- Mistletoe on Oaks in Britain - John Box
- Observations on the Entomofauna of West Palearctic Oak - P.F. Whitehead
- Posters:
- British Oaks - Michael Tyler
- Savernake Forest Oaks - Jack Oliver and Joan Davies
- Distribution and Conservation of Quercus insignis - Maricela Rodríguez-Coombes, Allen Coombes, Horacio Morales
- Reintroduction of Oaks in Mexico - Maricela Rodríguez-Coombes, Salvador Sánchez-Colón, Ana Mendoza
- Oaks on Postcards - Pauline B. Topham
International Oaks No. 14 - 2003
- Introduction from the Editor - Doug McCreary
- Ancient Oak Threatened by Roadway - Sheila Grisset
- A Tale of Two Presidents - Coleen Perilloux Landry
- Oak Transplantation, Does This Really Save the Trees? - Rosi Dagit
- The Emancipation Oak - Mike Dahl
- The Major Oak, Sherwood Forest, England - John Palmer
- Storm Topples Wye Oak - Frank D. Roylance and Chris Guy
- A Gallery of Southern Live Oaks - Guy Sternberg and William Guion
- New Oak Hybrids from Spain - F.M. Vázquez, S. Ramos, E. Doncel, A.J. Coombes, M. Rodríguez-Coombes
- A Report on the Oaks of Buckingham Palace Garden - Mark Lane
- Progress in Northern Red Oaks Genomics in the Southern Appalachians - S.A. Mathews, B.K. Trout, S.E. Schlarbaum, W.D. Bonds
- Authors' Guidelines
International Oaks No. 13 - 2002
- Letter from the President - Ron Lance
- Origin and Management of the Dehesa - Enrique Balbuena-Gutierrez
- Quercus ilex L. and Quercus rotundifolia Lam.: Two Different Species - Francisco M. Vázquez Pardo, Soledad Ramos Maqueda, Esperanza Doncel Pérez
- Remarkable Oak Forests in Europe - Dr. Ing. Stelian Radu, Corina Coandâ
- An Update on Phytophthora ramorum, Causal Agent of Sudden Oak Death - Steve Swain
- Armillaria, a Pathogen of Trees and Natural Component of Oak Woodlands - K.A. Jacobs
- Aiken, South Carolina - Oak City, USA! - Bob McCartney
- Spaces Between the Footsteps, The Pemberton Oak - Mike Dahl
- Northbrook's Champion Bebb Oak (Quercus ×bebbiana) - Terry Cichoki
- Live Oak Society - Coleen Perilloux Landry
- Errata Table - Emile Gardiner
- Authors' Guidelines
International Oaks No. 12 - 2001
- Introduction to the Proceedings - Ron Lance
- Vegetation Patterns and Rehabilitation of Oak Forests in Albania - Prof. Dr. Jani Vangjeli
- Improved Aventitious Rooting in Quercus through the Use of a Modified Stoolbed Technique - George Hawver and Nina Bassuk
- Comparative Ecology of North-Central Florida Oaks - Jeannine Cavender-Bares
- In Search of the Edible Acorn - Donald Cobb
- Legal Controls for the Protection of Oak Trees in England and Wales - Barry Denyer-Green, LLM, PhD, FRICS
- Aspects of the Form, Ecological Function and Aesthetics of Garry Oak and its Environment in Southwestern British Columbia, Canada - Wayne R. Erickson and D. Cameron Campbell
- Ecology of Bottomland Oaks in the Southeastern United States - Emile S. Gardiner
- Soil Bioremediation of Live Oak Trees at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana - M. Guidry, K. Abdollahi, A. Nagatu, F. Fellner & Y. Ghebreiyessys
- Picture This: Images from the Third International Oak Conference
- Two Great Oaks of Europe - J.R.P. van Hoey Smith
- The Cultivation of Oaks in Argentina - Peter Laharrague
- Propagation of Seedling Oaks: Root Pruning by Air, Chemical and Mechanical Methods
- Management of an Historic Oak Forest - The Royal Forest of Dean - Rob Guest
- Health of Oak Forests in the Southern Appalachian Mountains - Steven W. Oak
- Diagnosing Sudden Death of Oaks in California: A Historical Overview - Pavel Švihra
- From a Tiny Seed: Reforestation Efforts in Turkey - Nihat Gökyigit
- Prescribed Fire and Oak Regeneration - D.H. Van Lear, P.H. Brose & P.D. Keyser
- Hybridization Processes in Mediterranean Oaks from South Spain - Francisco M. Vazquez, Soledad Ramos & Trinidad Ruiz
- Thanks
International Oaks No. 11 - 2000
- Remembering - Guy Sternberg
- Oak Tree Hybrids in the Bejan Forest - Dr. Augustin Stanciu
- The Great Oak of the Landis Arboretum - Fred Lape
- An Oak Wilt Primer - Jennifer Luzwik
- Oaks of the Chihuahuan Desert Region - Michael Martin Melendrez
- Quercus rotundifolia Lam. and its forms in Extremadura, Spain - F. Vázquez, F. Espárrago, J. López Márquez, F. Jaraquemada & M. Pérez
- Oaks in Belgium - Philippe de Spoelbrech
- Authors' Guidelines
International Oaks No. 10 - 2000
- The Name Game - Guy Sternberg
- Homonyms, Synonyms, and Frustrations: An Introduction to the Name Problems of Oaks - Thierry Lamant and Guy Sternberg
- Nomenclature Problems in Oak Propagation - Allen J. Coombes
- Oak Barrels: Where They Come from and How They Are Made - Mel Knox
- A New Species of Red Oak (Quercus sec. lobatae) from Central Mexico - Fernando Zavala-Chavez
- Clonal Oak Propagation: Almost a Reality - Nina L. Bassuk
- Among the Oaks of Borneo and Java - Eike Jablonski
International Oaks No. 9 - 1999
- Introduction to Proceedings - Amy Larson
- Editor's Note
- Oaks at the Hillier Arboretum - Allen J. Coombes
- The Oaks of China - Zhou Zhekun, Sun Huan and Fei Yong
- Rare Oaks of the Riviera - Thierry Lamant
- Oak Management at Westonbirt - Hugh C. Angus
- California Oaks and Environmental Education - Kay Antunez de Mayolo
- Oaks in Environmental Education in California - Carol J. Baird
- The Ecology of Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii) Acorn Production - Walter D. Koenig and Johannes M.H. Knops
- Artificially Regenerating Native Oaks in California - Douglas D. McCreary
- The Ecology of Blue Oak Regeneration - Tedmund J. Swiecki and Elizabeth Bernhardt
- Irrigation and Rangeland Oaks - Rudolph H. Light
- The Emission of Isoprene from Oak Leaves - R.A. Rasmussen
- Seedling Performance in Two Oak Species - Consuelo Bonfil
- Conservation and Ecological Reconstruction of Oak Forests in Romania - Dr. Ing. Stelian Radu
- Using GIS Technology to Assess Potential Hardwood Loss - Charles W. Nelson
- Soil Microbial Ecology of Oregon White Oak in an Urban Landscape - Karen Sturgeon and John Hare
- Sustaining Oak Woodlands in California's Urbanizing Environment - Richard B. Standiford
- Developing a Digital Atlas of the Natural Ranges of Oaks of the World - Thomas H. Gaman
- Transplanted Live Coats Oaks (Quercus agrifolia) in Southern California - Rosi Dagit and Jom Downer
- Oaks and Oak Hybrids at Arboretum Trompenburg - J.R.P. van Hoey Smith
- Global Climate Change and California Oaks - Robin Bayer, David Schrom and Joan Schwan
- The Mexican Oak National Collection - Maricela Rodríguez-Acosta
- Authors' Guidelines
International Oaks No. 8 - 1998
- Thoughts from the President - Guy Sternberg
- Third Oak Open Day in the Netherlands and Belgium - Eike Jablonski
- Oak Collections in Germany - Eike Jablonski
- Research on Oaks at Cornell's Urban Horticulture Institute, Part I - Nina L. Bassuk
- Two New Hybrid Oaks - Thomas L. Green and William J. Hess
- Special Status for Quercus acerifolia - Nick Stoynoff and William J. Hess
- Notes on Five Oaks from China - Zhekun Zhou
- Quercus 2000: The Third International Oak Conference
- Journal Entries: Oaks in Australia, The Waite Arboretum - Jennifer Gardner
- Authors' Guidelines & Back Issues
International Oaks No. 7 - 1996
- Letter from the Editors
- The Cloak of the Oak - David J. Ellis
- Storing Viable Oak Pollen - Miguel B. Marquez
- The Reproductive Biology of Quercus, with an Emphasis on Q. rubra - Robert A. Cecich
- A Visit to Kaliningrad, Russia - Eike Jablonski
- Oglethorpe and the Oglethorpe Oak - Allen J. Coombes and W. Nigel Coates
- Oaks in Sweden - Lennarth Jonsson
- The First Meeting in Europe - Hugh Angus
- Oak Open Day at Westonbirt Arboretum - Allen J. Coombes
- Announcement for the Second Conference of the International Oak Society
- Authors' Guidelines
International Oaks No. 6 - 1995
- Introduction to the Proceedings of The First International Oak Conference - M. Nigel Wright
- The Re-Oaking of America - George Ware
- Oak Images from Temperate North America - Guy Sternberg
- Oaks of Europe and Asia: Occurrence, Ecology and Amenity Values - Dr. Stelian Radu
- The Oaks of Turkey - Aytekin Ertas
- The Value of a Scientifically Aesthetic Oak Collection at the Scott Arboretum - Andrew Bunting
- Oaks at The Morton Arboretum: Past, Present and Future - Peter van der Linden
- Identifying Oaks: The Hybrid Problem - Richard J. Jensen
- Horticulture and Aesthetics of Hybrid Oaks - Ken Asmus
- Dynamics of Selected Eastern North American Oaks - Curt Hanson
- Understanding APHIS: Simplified Acorn Import and Export - Kenneth Kurse
- Oak Propagation Techniques - Mark V. Coggeshall
- Growing Oaks on the Great Plains - John C. Pair
- Maintaining and Restoring Oak Groves in Communities: A Case Study of Forest Grove, Oregon - Michael R. Reichenbach
International Oaks No. 5 - 1994
- Letter from the Editor
- The Oaks of Turkey - I.C. Hedge and F. Yaltirik
- Happy Birthday, Doc Cottam - Betty Schoeffler
- A New Oak on Mount Tamalpais - Stephen K. Langer
- Cope with the Threat: Oak Wilt - Dr. David N. Appel
- Heavy Acorn Crop Leads to Intoxication in Missouri - Univ. of Missouri
- A Potential New Profit from Oak Woodlands - Dr. Mo-Mei Chen
- Letter to the Editor
International Oaks No. 4 - 1994
- Letter from the Editor
- Management of Silvicultural Practices Applied to Pine-Oak Forest in Durango, Mexico - Victor M. Hernandez C., Francisco J. Hernandez and Santiago S. Gonzales
- Distribution of Oak in the State of Sonora, Mexico - Luis M. Islas
- Ecology of Oak Woodlands in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico - Victor M. Hernandez C., Francisco J. Hernandez and Santiago S. Gonzales
- Excerpts from Mexican Magic - John G. Fairey and Carl M. Schoenfeld
- Chinkapin Oak: Satisfaction for the Homeowner, Skulduggery for the Botanist - Ross C. Clark
- The Acorn Odyssey - Len Stubbs
- 1st International Oak Conference
International Oaks No. 3 - 1993
- Letter from the Editor
- Hybridization in California Oaks - John M. Tucker
- Oaks for Urban Landscape in Northern Illinois - George Ware
- The Biggest Bur Oak - Deborah Gangloff
- Quercus macrocarpa: The Consummate Tree of the Nearctic Savanna - Guy Sternberg
- Quercus coccifera: The Evergreen Kermes Oak - Dr. Faik Yaltirik
- The Oaks in Philately - Stelian Radu
- Letters to the Editor
- Appeal for National Tree
International Oaks No. 2 - 1992
- Letter from the Editor
- Quercian Books
- An Oak Tree from Down Under - Len Stubbs
- Trials and Tribulations of Germinating Acorns - Susan Cooper
- A Plea for Trees - Len Stubbs
- From Acorn to Sapling - M. Nigel Wright
- From Acorn to Tree: Ecology of the Engelmann Oak - Earl W. Lathrop and Chris D. Osborne
International Oaks No. 1 (Special Commemorative Republication) - 1992
- An Introduction to this Republication - Guy Sternberg
- In the Beginning - Steven Roesch
- Original Introduction to the First Issue - M. Nigel Wright
- American Oaks in the Landscape - Guy Sternberg
- The Origin, History and Development of Arboretum Trompenburg - J.R.P. van Hoey Smith
- The Genus Quercus in Romania - Dr. Ing. Stelian Radu
- The English Oak (Quercus robur L.): An Oak Common in France - Stephane Brame
- California Native Oaks: Past and Present - James R. Griffin and Pamela C. Muick