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Plant Focus

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Oak Study Day Chevithorne Barton, UK, July 21, 2023

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James MacEwen and Roderick Cameron

Published May 2024 in International Oaks No. 354: 131–142


The International Dendrology Society (IDS) and the International Oak Society (IOS) organized a Quercus Study Day at Chevithorne Barton in the UK on July 21, 2023. The event sold out shortly after tickets were made available and was very well attended (particularly for a Friday during a train strike!) by over 40 participants. While most attendees were IDS members from the UK, the IOS was represented by a handful of members, both from the UK and overseas (US and Uruguay).


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Heathcoat Amory, M. 2009. The Oaks of Chevithorne Barton. London: Adelphi Publishers.

Heathcoat Amory. M. 2012. Growing Mexican Oaks in Devon, UK. International Oaks No. 23: 41-49.

Russell, R. 2021. “Cultivar Close-Up: Quercus ‘New Madrid’, Sorting Out the Confusion.” International Oak Society. https://www.internationaloaksociety.org/content/cultivar-close-quercus-%E2%80%98new-madrid%E2%80%99-sorting-out-confusion

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The Tree Register. 2024. https://www.treeregister.org/

Verma, G. 2020. “Destined to Encounter Quercus lanata.” International Oak Society. https://www.internationaloaksociety.org/content/destined-encounter-quercus-lanata

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