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New and Lesser-Known Oak Cultivars, Three Lost Cultivars, and a List of Cultivar Trademarks
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Eike J. Jablonski and Ryan Russell
Published May 2024 in International Oaks No. 35: 121–130
The registrars of the International Oak Society are responsible for registering, updating and locating new selections of oaks throughout the world. The majority of these come from North America and Europe. New cultivars are selected for a variety of reasons, including fall color, unique foliage, habit, form, or fruiting characteristics. Although some are sent to us by their originators, most must be tracked down individually via the Internet, nursery catalogs, various publications, and data from collections. In many cases, this work requires traveling to gather information and to collect the Standard Specimens. The registrars welcome information about new cultivars or older cultivars that have not been registered yet. Please send information either to Eike Jablonski (Eurasia, Oceania, and Africa) or Ryan Russell (the Americas) or visit https://www.internationaloaksociety.org/content/cultivar-registration.
ICRA, International Oak Society, Quercus cultivars
Anonymous. 1905. Forstbotanisches Merkbuch II. Provinz Pommern. Bornträger, Berlin: 9-10.
Camus A. 1936-1954. Les Chênes. Monographie du Genre Quercus. Tome III. Genre Quercus. Sous-genre Euquercus (Sections Protobalanus et Erythrobalanus). Monographie du genre Lithocarpus et Addenda aux Tomes I, II, III. Texte. Paris: Paul Lechevalier Editeur.
Dippel, L. 1889-1893. Handbuch der Laubholzkunde. Beschreibung der in Deutschland heimischen und im Freien kultivierten Bäume und Sträucher. Für Botaniker, Gärtner und Forstleute. Berlin: P. Parey.
Elwes, H.J., and A. Henry. 1907. The Trees of Great Britain and Ireland. 2: 293. Privately published.
ICNCP. 2016. International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (9th edition). Scripta Horticulturae 18. Jäger, H., and L. Beissner. 1889. Die Ziergehölze der Gärten und Parkanlagen. Weimar: Voigt.
Petzold, E., and G. Kirchner, G. 1864. Arboretum Muscaviense. Gotha: W. Opetz.
Sun, H., X. Dong, Y. Lv, and L. Huang. 2023. Quercus texana ‘Jin Fen Shi Jia’: A New Colored Landscape Tree. HortScience 58(9): 1093-1094.
Weiß, T., and E. Jablonski. 2023. Eichenarten und -sorten aus der Zeit der Königlichen Staats- und landwirtschaftlichen Akademie Eldena im Herbarium der Greifswalder Universität – zur Geschichte des Greifswalder Herbariums. Mitt. Deutsch. Dendrolog. Ges. 108: 123-145.