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Modeling Ancient Potential for Gene Flow in California White Oaks

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Prahlada Papper

Published May 2019 in International Oaks No. 30: 185–190


The maintenance of reproductive compatibility within taxonomic sections of the genus Quercus despite long evolutionary divergence supports Van Valen’s theory of the multispecies evolutionary complex. If Van Valen’s theory is correct, hybridizing oak species should remain distinct even with prolonged reproductive contact. I tested this prediction in the hybridizing Q. douglasii (blue oak) and Q. garryana var. garryana (Oregon white oak) by modeling their geographic distributions through the most recent glacial cycle. Species distributions for the last glacial maximum (21,000 years ago), the mid-Holocene climate optimum (6,000 years ago), and the historical period (1951 to 2010) show that, though the ranges of both species have shifted considerably, they have continuously maintained a zone of sympatry. The potential for gene flow between Q. douglasii and Q. garryana var. garryana across this contact zone has persisted for tens of thousands of years, and possibly throughout the entire 2.6-million-year Quaternary Period, supporting the conclusion that they are a multispecies evolutionary complex sensu Van Valen.


gene flow, species distribution model, last glacial maximum, mid-Holocene, multispecies complex


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