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Happy As an Oak Tree in Town

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Published May 2024 in International Oaks No. 35: 95–106
Growing in an urban environment is a challenge for trees: heat islands, compacted, nutrient-poor, heavily mineralized, toxic soils, disturbed water availability, etc. Successful urban plantings are those that recognize and deal with these challenges.
In addition, climate change has created new constraints that require considering a wider choice of species to be planted.
The present article is a general overview of two decades of experience in planting oaks in urban environments in France. Within the great species diversity of the genus Quercus you can almost always find an oak adapted to the soil you have to work with, including the most sterile or polluted ones.
urban landscape design, heat islands, climate changethe Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2: 688-696.