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Developing the Oak Collection at the Jardim Botânico da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
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Carlos Vila-Viçosa, Teresa Matos Fernandes, João Moreira, João Junqueira, Joana Tinoco, Iuri Frias, and Paulo Farinha Marques
Published May 2022 in International Oaks No. 33: 159–172
The Jardim Botânico da Universidade do Porto (hereafter referred to as BGUP, the English acronym) is a constituent part of the Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto1 along with the Galeria da Biodiversidade and the Herbarium.
Comprising approximately four hectares, BGUP is an eclectic, designed space, with high ecological, aesthetic, and referential interest (Marques 2018). The BGUP, situated near the Atlantic Ocean on granitic bedrock, is in a thermotemperate bioclimate (Rivas- Martínez et al. 2017a) that, in comparison with the adjacent Mediterranean climate, does not experience winter cold, or dry, hot summers (the decrease in precipitation seasonality results in moderate summer precipitation). These combined factors enable the survival of a wide range of plant types, spanning from tropical to desert to temperate species.
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