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Plant Focus

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Quercus breedloveana Nixon & Barrie: a Recently Described Red Oak from Mexico

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Susana Valencia-A.

Published May 2018 in International Oaks No. 29: 25–28


In November 2017 a new species of Red Oak Quercus (section Lobatae) from southwest and southern Mexico was described by Nixon & Barrie.1 The new species was named in honor of the late Dennis Breedlove who studied the genus Quercus in México, and collected extensively a lot of botanical specimens during many years in Chiapas. Specimens of Q. breedloveana were collected in the states of Guerrero and Chiapas, but in Guerrero state it was wrongly identified as Q. sartorii Liebm. The specimen chosen as the holotype is in the CAS herbarium, but there is one isotype in the Herbario de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM (FCME) 

1Nixon, K.C.,and Barrie F.R. 2017. Three Previously Undescribed Species of Quercus (Fagaceae) from Mesoamerica and the Designation of a Lectotype for Q. acutifolia. NOVON 25: 444-450. DOI: 10.3417/D-16-00014