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Quercus ×sternbergii (Sternberg’s Oak): a New US Hybrid

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Allen J. Coombes and Thierry Lamant
Published May 2023 in International Oaks No. 34: 39–44
A large number of North American oak hybrids have been described, but this one seems to have escaped attention, possibly due to the relative complexity of the name of one of the parents. The work of Dorr & Nixon (1985) resulted in what was generally known as Quercus texana needing a new name (Q. buckleyi) and the widely used name Q. nuttallii E.J. Palmer being regarded as a synonym of Q. texana Buckley. The reason for this is that Buckley described Q. texana but later applied the name to another, then unnamed, species, now known as Q. buckleyi, and this view was followed by later authors.
Dorr, L.J. and K. Nixon 1985. Typification of the Oak (Quercus) Taxa Described by S.B. Buckley (1809-1884). Taxon 34(2): 211-228.
Lübbert, R. 2006. Langeneicker Eichen Register / The World Register of Oaks. Gantner Verlag. Richardson, D. 2012. Oaks of the Texas Big Country. International Oaks 23: 76-82.
Simpson, B.J. 1988. A Field Guide to Texas Trees. Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing.