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Plant Focus
Niche Characterization of Oaks in Lebanon
Jean Stephan, Lara Chayban, and Federico Vessella
Published May 2018 in International Oaks No. 29: 51–64
Lebanon is considered a biodiversity hotspot of the East Mediterranean Basin and a habitat for seven oak taxa. Many of these taxa occur in Lebanon on the edge of their distribution range, sometimes as isolated trees. These fragmented populations are the result of anthropogenic activities that have modified the landscape. Based on current niche occupancy, this work aims to model the potential niches of these seven taxa (and of their eventual hybrids identified in Lebanon) to determine which of them have restricted ranges in order to better evaluate their vulnerability to climate change and to help us set priorities for the conservation of species with restricted ranges and limited areas of occupancy.
Quercus, East Mediterranean biodiversity, oak species distribution
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