Editor's Picks
Plant Focus
New Oak Cultivars 2017
Ryan Russell and Eike J. Jablonski
Published May 2017 in International Oaks No. 28: 89–94
The International Oak Society was appointed by the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) as International Cultivar Registration Authority (ICRA) for the genus Quercus in 1998. Guidelines for oak cultivar registration can be found at oaknames.org, the International Oak Society’s searchable taxonomic database that includes all names of botanic taxa and registered cultivar and Group names. This database is also accessible through the IOS home page at internationaloaksociety.org. Three new oak cultivars are described here, all from North America: Quercus ×warei T.L. Green & W.J. Hess ‘Riverbank’, Quercus alba L. ‘Pathfinder’, and Quercus ×schuettei Trel. ‘Silver Shadow’.
ICRA, Quercus cultivars
Sternberg, G. 2016. Pathfinder: the Last Prairie Sentinel. International Oaks 27: 207-216.
Trehane, P., ed. 2005. International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1995. Regnum Vegetabile 133. Wimborne, UK: Quarterjack Publishing.