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Plant Focus

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New and Lesser-Known Oak Cultivars 2020

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Ryan RussellEike J. Jablonski, and Allen J. Coombes

Published May 2021 in International Oaks No. 32: 113–124


The registrars of the International Oak Society are responsible for registering, updating and locating new selections of oaks throughout the world. The majority of these come from North America and Europe. New cultivars are selected for a variety of reasons, including fall color, unique foliage, habit, form, or fruiting characteristics. These cultivars come to us in many ways. Although some are notified to us by their originators through the registration link on the IOS website, most must be tracked down individually via the Internet, nursery catalogs, various publications and data from collections. In many cases, this work requires traveling to gather information from breeders, nurserymen or collection holders, and to collect the Standard Specimens. The registrars welcome information about new cultivars or older cultivars that have not been registered yet. Please send this either to Eike Jablonski (Eurasia and Africa) or Ryan Russell (the Americas).


ICRA, International Oak Society, Quercus cultivars


Brickell, C.D., C. Alexander, J.J. Cubey, J.C. David, M.H.A. Hoffman, A.C. Leslie, V. Malécot and Xiaobai Jin (Eds.). 2016. International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. Scripta Horticulturae 18. ISHS.

Cameron, R. 2020. Cultivar Close-Up: Bokrijk Cultivars. Oak News & Notes 24(2): 6-8.

Griffiths, M. 1994. The New RHS Index of Garden Plants. London and Basingstoke: The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Haddock, S. 2008. Oak-hunting in Japan: Report on the IOS Japan Tour, October 2007. International Oaks 19: 44-62.

Jablonski, E. 2007. Jubiläum in der Eichenbaumschule – 50 Jahre Baumschule Döring. Beitr. Gehölzk. 2007: 175-179.

Nakai. T. 1924. Some New and Noteworthy Ligneous Plants of Eastern Asia. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 5(2): 75-6.

Ohwi, J.1965. Flora of Japan. Edited by F.G. Meyer and E. H. Walker. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Russell, R. 2021. Quercus ‘New Madrid’: sorting out the confusion. Oak News & Notes 25(1).

Van Meulder, J. 2015. Nieuwe eikencultivars uit Arboretum Bokrijk. Annales de la Société Belge de Dendrologie 2014: 9-16. WCSP 2020. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet: http://wcsp.science.kew.org/ Retrieved 27 September 2020.