Editor's Picks
Plant Focus
New and Lesser-Known Cultivars 2013-2015
Ryan Russell and Eike J. Jablonski
Published May 2016 International Oaks No. 27: 137–148
The registrars of the International Oak Society are responsible for registering, updating and locating new selections of oaks throughout the world. The majority of these come from North America and Europe. New cultivars are selected for a variety of reasons, including fall color, unique foliage, habit, form, or fruiting characteristics. These cultivars come to us in many ways. Some are notified to us by their originators through the registration link on the IOS website, others must be tracked down individually, and these can be cultivars for which patents or trademarks have been registered. The new and previously unregistered or lesser-known selections that have been identified since the 7th International Oak Society Conference in Bordeaux (2012) are featured here.
ICRA, Quercus cultivars
Jablonski, E. 2010. New Oak Cultivars from Belgium and France. International Oaks 21: 37-44.
Jablonski, E. 2013. New and Recently Described Oak Cultivars. International Oaks 24: 161-173.
Trehane, P., ed. 2005. International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1995. Regnum Vegetabile 133. Wimborne, UK: Quarterjack Publishing.
Trehane, P. 2007. http://www.oaknames.org