Editor's Picks
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Plant Focus
A little-known species from the northern Zagros forests of Iran
International Oaks No. 19 (2008)
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Table of Contents
Click on the links below to download individual articles
- International Oak Society Awards - Eike Jablonski
- The Case for Oaks in Residential Land Developments - David Bagwell
- Autumn Oaks - Wendy Brockman
- The Monument of Nature, Veshensky Great Oak, Russia - Gennady A. Firsov, Yuri A. Rebriev
- Rooting Stem Cuttings of Several Species within the Genus Quercus L. - Matthew H. Gocke, Daniel J. Robison and Emrys Treasure
- The Purple Hairstreak - an Oak-Dependent Butterfly - Shaun Haddock
- Oak-hunting in Japan, Report on the IOS Japan Tour, October 2007 - Shaun Haddock
- Preliminary Report on the Relative Suitability of Quercus Taxa for Gypsy Moth Larval Development - Fredric Miller
- The Pine-Oak Rusts, How Forest Tree Species Connect - Detlev Vogler
- Oak Gallery - Bernd Schulz, Danie. Dumont, Eike Jablonski, Rob Guest, Guy Sternberg, Hugues Vaucher and Mike Tyner
- Membership Information, Author's Guidelines