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International Dendrology Society in Southwestern France and Northern Spain September 29-October 4, 2021
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Stephen Wood
Published May 2022 in International Oaks No. 33: 95–116
It was with a certain relief that friendly and familiar faces were seen at a café table in Bayonne as one emerged from the station. In the UK there are always anxieties about trains being cancelled but the SNCF provided swift, comfortable and efficient service.
We were soon on our coach passing through Bayonne headed for Les Pépinières Maymou, in the northern part of the city. Upon arrival, we were met by our guide, Monique Anguld, née Maymou, whose family created the nursery in 1884. In 1968 planting started to create an arboretum.
Greene, E.L. 1887. New species, mainly Californian. Pittonia 1: 40.
Greene, E.L. 1889-1890. Illustrations of West-American Oaks From Drawings By The Late Albert Kellogg, M.D. texts by Edward L. Greene. Vols. 1 & 2. San Francisco: Bosqui Engraving and Printing Co.
Hillier, J. and R. Lancaster. 2014. The Hillier Manual of Trees and Shrubs. London: Royal Horticultural Society.
Nixon, K.C. 2002. The oak (Quercus) biodiversity of California and adjacent regions. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodlands; Oaks in California’s Challenging Landscape. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-184: 417-426.
Keuter, A., and P.S. Manos. 2019. Agrifoliae: the Californian Red Oaks. International Oaks 30: 191-202.
Tashev, A., and E. Tsavkov. 2017. Validation of the name Quercus protoroburoides (Fagaceae). Phytotaxa 308(2): 232-238.