Editor's Picks
Plant Focus
Flora of Puebla
The Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla has published the Flora del Estado de Puebla, México (M. Rodríquez Acosta, J.L. Villaseñor, A.J. Coombes, and A.B. Cerón Carpio). This publication is a checklist of 5,415 species (which places Puebla 7th in terms of number of species in a Mexican state, although only 21st in size) including 48 species of oak. There are 175 pages and 300 photographs, with an introduction in English and Spanish. If you are interested in purchasing a copy of this book (350 pesos), please contact Béatrice Chassé at pouyouleix.arboretum@gmail.com. We are trying to organize a group order.