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Plant Focus
Evolution in Action: Rapid Genetic and Demographic Changes in Q. petraea and Q. robur
Antoine Kremer
Published May 2021 in International Oaks No. 32: 25–34
What is the pace of biological evolution in oaks under current environmental changes? To address this question, we analyzed a long-term, intensively studied oak stand over two successive generations, composed of Quercus petraea (sessile oak) and Q. robur (pedunculate oak). The investigations were aimed at estimating fitness variations, which are the main drivers of evolution, and generational changes of trait values corresponding to important functional classes (growth, phenology, physiology, resistance, structure, leaf morphology, defense). Growth, leaf morphology and defense-related traits exhibited significant changes in at least one species, while phenological- and physiological-related traits did not. Q. petraea showed larger evolutionary potential, due to higher fitness and genetic variance of fitness than Q. robur, which is in line with the current expansion of Q. petraea and retraction of Q. robur.
fitness variation, trait variation, evolutionary potential
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