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Donate to Conserve Oaks!
Nearly 90% of IOS members believe that they have a personal role to play in the future of oak conservation. Now is your chance to act!
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In response to the overwhelming support of oak research and conservation expressed by our members at the 2018 Triennial Conference in Davis, CA, and in light of the fact that at least 20% of the world’s oak species are threatened with extinction, the IOS launched its Oak Conservation and Research Fund in 2019.
To guide Fund priorities, we conducted a survey that was answered by over one quarter of IOS members. It revealed that restoring habitat, ex-situ conservation, field survey and population monitoring, education, and population reintroduction/reinforcement were high priority Fund activities. So far the Fund has selected 11 projects for funding, following two rounds of applications in 2020 and 2022. For more information about the Fund, click here.
Oak Conservation and Research Committee