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¡Viva México! September 27-October 18, 2019

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Béatrice Chassé

Published May 2020 in International Oaks No. 31: 133–160


For such a long, long time, I have wanted to go back to Mexico.

The 6th International Oak Society Conference (Puebla, 2009) sparked my infatuation with this country and an extended trip the following year, covering most of northern Mexico (Chassé 2011), strengthened the ties that had been woven between Mexico and me – with the oaks, of course, but to a no lesser degree with the people, the food (and drinks), the language, the history, the literature... This autumn’s voyage was in all ways as splendid as the 2010 journey with, in addition, more varied landscapes and even more oak species. During this trip, my companions and I had the opportunity to identify 47 oak taxa, and there are half a dozen more that we are still puzzling over.


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González-Rodriguéz, A., D.M. Arias, S. Valencia-Avalos, and K. Oyama. 2004. Morphological and RAPD analysis of hybridization between Quercus affinis and Q. laurina (Fagaceae), two Mexican red oaks. American Journal of Botany 91(3): 401-409.

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Valencia-A., S., J.L. Sabás-Rosales, and O.J. Soto-Arellano. 2016. A new species of Quercus, section Lobatae (Fagaceae) from the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico. Phytotaxa 269(2): 120-126. 

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Valencia-A., S., and A.J. Coombes. 2020. Nomenclatural revision and lectotypification of five species of Mexican oaks: Quercus (Fagaceae). Phytotaxa 428(2): 81-92.