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Editor's Picks

Who was Quercus grahamii named in honor of?
Roderick Cameron | Dec 17, 2024
Quercus rubra in autumn
The Tree of the Year Association in Germany selected a non-...
Website Editor | Dec 16, 2024
Image from Enarrationes
A 16th century commentary on the medicinal property of oaks...
Website Editor | Dec 16, 2024

Plant Focus

Quercus magnosquamata acorn
A  little-known species from the northern Zagros forests of Iran

Béatrice Chassé's blog

Arboretum des Pouyouleix in Arnoldia

In October 2015, after visiting the Polly Hill Arboretum on Martha’s Vineyard and before attending the 8th International Oak Society Conference in Lisle, Tim Boland, the Director of Polly Hill, organized for me an absolutely regal two-day visit of the Arnold Arboretum. Returning home, I received a request from Nancy Rose, the Editor of Arnoldia, to submit an article about the Arboretum des Pouyouleix for that publication.

This year a great number of species are producing acorns for the first time. 

Website for the Arboretum des Pouyouleix

The Arboretum des Pouyouleix (the French National Collection for the genus Quercus) now has a website. Many parts are still under construction, notably the accessions list. Comments and suggestions are welcome! (arboretumpouyouleix.com)



A Year of Spectacular Growth

Q. crassifolia Bonpl. puts on record growth in Arboretum des Pouyouleix

13,000-year-old Quercus palmeri Discovered


Jurupa Hills oak may be California's oldest plant

Researchers from UC Davis and UC Riverside say the 75-foot-wide Palmer's oak shrub has lived about 13,000 years despite inhospitable surroundings, regenerating itself with new shoots.

Jurupa oak

2009-2012 New Board, Officers and Committees


President : Béatrice Chassé
Vice-Président : Charles Snyers d’Attenhoven
Secretary : Jim Hitz
Treasurer : Bill Hess



Membership Director : Rudy Light

RECUERDOS - Mexican memories - Add yours !

If you participated in the International Oak Society's 6th Triennial Conference in Puebla, you probably have fond memories, interesting ideas and helpful suggestions to share with fellow members. If you could not participate in the Conference, read on ! It will convince you that you should not miss the next : 2012, France !