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Editor's Picks

Who was Quercus grahamii named in honor of?
Roderick Cameron | Dec 17, 2024
Quercus rubra in autumn
The Tree of the Year Association in Germany selected a non-...
Website Editor | Dec 16, 2024
Image from Enarrationes
A 16th century commentary on the medicinal property of oaks...
Website Editor | Dec 16, 2024

Plant Focus

Quercus magnosquamata acorn
A  little-known species from the northern Zagros forests of Iran

All Articles

One of the more well-known Mexican oaks in cultivation.
An interview with Portuguese oak conservationist Dr. Carlos Vila-Viçosa.
An update on the Oak Conservation and Research Fund appeal.
Continuing our series of posts of poems that feature oaks: a haiku by the legendary Japanese poet Matsuo Bashō (1644–1694).
An eloquent symbol features a stylized oak tree
Hayrettin Karaca, an IOS member and one of Turkey's best-known environmentalists, died January 20 at the age of 97.
The Global Conservation Consortium for Oak published a protocol for the propagation of Quercus insignis.
A team from Holden Forests & Gardens traveled south to collect bluff oak acorns.
A new study has analyzed the germination characteristics of Quercus marlipoensis.
A recent study explores the evolutionary and biogeographical history of section Cerris.
A new species of oak gall wasp has been named in honor of Allen Coombes.
Continuing our series of posts of poems that feature oaks: the lyrics of a country song that likens faithful friends to a stand of oak...
