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Editor's Picks

Who was Quercus grahamii named in honor of?
Roderick Cameron | Dec 17, 2024
Quercus rubra in autumn
The Tree of the Year Association in Germany selected a non-...
Website Editor | Dec 16, 2024
Image from Enarrationes
A 16th century commentary on the medicinal property of oaks...
Website Editor | Dec 16, 2024

Plant Focus

Quercus magnosquamata acorn
A  little-known species from the northern Zagros forests of Iran

Photo Galleries


Using the IUCN Red List to Assess the Global Status of Oaks

Christina Carrero,* Diana Jerome, and Murphy Westwood
The Morton Arboretum, 4100 Illinois Route 53, Lisle, IL 60532-1293, USA / *corresponding author: ccarrero@mortonarb.org

Lightning Talk presented at the 9th International Oak Society Conference, October 2018. Click on the first image and use navigation arrows to move through the slides. Captions show accompanying text; move cursor on or off each slide to toggle caption up and down (on mobile or tablet touch caption to toggle up and down).


2018 Conference Committee

A huge thank you goes to the members of the 2018 Conference Committee


2018 Conference (Photo Gallery)

A selection of photos from the IOS Conference at UC Davis


2018 Post-Conference Tour #2: Central Coast (Photo Gallery)

The second leg of the California Post-Conference Tour: from Santa Cruz to Los Angeles

2018 Post-Conference Tour #1: SF Bay Area (Photo Gallery)

Highlights of this tour included: University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley, Long Ridge Open Space, Stanford oak woodland, and Apple Park.

2018 Pre-Conference Tour #2: North Coast (Photo Gallery)

Forty-four enthusiastic IOS members ventured from UC Davis through Sonoma wine country toward the north California coast.

2018 Pre-Conference Tour #1: Sierra Nevada (Photo Gallery)

Forty-one participants from nine countries gathered at Davis, California on October 15 for a four-day trek across the Sierra Nevada and back. Stunning was the diversity of landscapes we saw.

2018 Pre-Conference Day Trips (Photo Gallery)

On Sunday, October 21, prior to the Opening Reception that kicked off the Conference in the evening, participants could choose one of three Day Trips to nearby destinations. You can read reports about the Trips here.

Post-Conference Tour 2015

Pre-Conference Tour 2015

8th International Oak Society Conference 2015

The 8th Conference took place at the Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois

Andrea Jones: Oaks

Photos of oaks by renowned garden photographer Andrea Jones
