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Editor's Picks

Who was Quercus grahamii named in honor of?
Roderick Cameron | Dec 17, 2024
Quercus rubra in autumn
The Tree of the Year Association in Germany selected a non-...
Website Editor | Dec 16, 2024
Image from Enarrationes
A 16th century commentary on the medicinal property of oaks...
Website Editor | Dec 16, 2024

Plant Focus

Quercus magnosquamata acorn
A  little-known species from the northern Zagros forests of Iran

IOS Tours


A Tour of one of the most oak-diverse U.S. states


Due to the consequences of the April 3 earthquake, we have been obliged to cancel this event. 


A Tour of the oak delights in North and South Carolina


This 7-day Tour will be led by renowned plantsman Sean Hogan of Cistus Nursery.


Two sequential Post-Conference Tours to the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Coast region are being offered to allow for a range of schedules and budgets. Join us for an exploration of urban and wild oak landscapes along California's scenic coast.


Two sequential Pre-Conference Tours to the Sierra Nevada and the Cascade-Siskiyou Mountain region are being offered to allow for a range of schedules and budgets. Join us as we explore the magnificent scenery and oak diversity in the mountains of Northern California.

Michael Meléndrez, long-time member of the IOS, will lead a ten-day filed trip in New Mexico from August 20 to 30, 2017.


Staunch IOS member Mike Meléndrez is willing to share his encyclopaedic knowledge of the oaks of the U.S. Southwest with a double bill of tours, in 2016 and 2017. The first Tour will take place September 24-29, 2016. 


A tour of southern Italy led by Belgian nurserymen Christof van Hulle and Dirk Benoit.