Editor's Picks
Plant Focus
UK Oak Open Days 2020 (CANCELED)

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, we have been obliged to postpone this event. We hope to be able to hold it on a future date.
The Oak Open Days in 2020 will be held in Wales on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th July. This is a week before the UK school holidays begin, which should ensure that accommodation is available and the roads are not overfull.
The event will commence at the estate of Glanusk, near Crickhowell in central Wales. The present owner, Harry Legge-Bourke, continues to enlarge the oak collection of his late father, Bill Legge-Bourke, whom some of you will remember from early IOS tours. The estate’s beautiful setting on the River Usk would be well worth a visit even without the oaks!

We will find our own accommodation in Crickhowell for the night (a list will be sent to those interested), and then we will convoy to Wales’ south coast to visit Thomas Methuen-Campbell at Penrice Castle, a property also with an incomparable position in a private valley running down to the sea, and where exotic oaks are mingled both in garden and forest settings.

If there is enough interest, the tour could be extended on Monday July 13th to include Dyffryn Gardens (a Quercus ×crenata (syn. Q. ×hispanica) 'Lucombeana' measured ten years ago as having a circumference of 6.1 metres, and a champion Q. trojana) and some of the exotic non-oaks planted in the parks of the city of Cardiff.

If you are interested in participating in these Oak Open Days, please contact tours@internationaloaksociety.org