Editor's Picks
Plant Focus
Oak Study Day at Chevithorne Barton

This event has been organized in conjunction with the International Dendrology Society and is currently SOLD OUT.
The oak collection at Chevithorne Barton was created by the late Michael Heathcoat Amory. It holds a UK National Collection of Oaks; with over 440 oaks, it is one of the largest in the world. This Study Day offers a unique opportunity to visit the collection with Quercus experts.
09:30 Arrival
10:00 Welcome and introduction to the arboretum from owners Ed and Alice Amory
10:15 Presentation on the genus Quercus by Roderick Cameron, President of the International Oak Society and co-author of Quercus on Trees & Shrubs Online (TSO), currently in progress
11:00 Break and group tours, accompanied by Roderick Cameron, James MacEwen (Curator of the Oak Collection), Greg Watson (Head Gardener) and Tom Christian (Assistant Editor TSO)
14:00 Prof. Mick Crawley presentation: “Fruiting and recruitment in Quercus robur: a 44-year study”
15:00 Further tours of the collection
16:00 Departure
A limited number of tickets have been reserved for IOS members. In order to purchase a ticket for the event, members will need to use an access code. If you wish to attend, don't delay in booking your place. For more information and to receive the access code, email tours@internationaloaksociety.org

About Chevithorne Barton
Read more about Chevithorne Barton in IOS publications:
Chevithorne Barton: A Tribute to Michael Heathcoat Amory (October 2, 1941- February 24, 2016) - International Oaks No. 28 (2017)
Growing Mexican Oaks in Devon, UK by Michael Heathcoat Amory - International Oaks No. 23 (2012)
And check out Chevithorne Barton's website and a recent article in House & Garden for more information and photographs of the garden and oak collection.