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Plant Focus

Quercus magnosquamata acorn
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New York Nut Growers Association 2020 Fall Meeting

Event Date: 
Saturday, 17 October 2020

Get up to date with nut growing in New York! 

Register to attend the New York Nut Growers Association 2020 Fall Meeting on Oct 17 in Yates County. The main program will take place at the Seneca Lake Duck Hunters Club Pavilion, 2188 State Route 14, Penn Yan, NY, 14527. Preregistration is required because meeting attendance is capped at 50, per Dept. of Health requirements. Members and non-members are welcome to attend this meeting. Click here to register and learn about the speakers and tours. Come with nuts and other items to share or to sell.

Speakers will include the following: Jeff Zarnowski (new hazelnut cultivars from Rutgers and the NY Tree Crops Alliance), Zach Elfers (Native Americans and nut trees), Lawrie Nickerson (hazelnut and chestnut planting), Laura Bailey (impact of invasive species on forest health and yields), Daniela Dana (processing acorns as food), and Klaas Martens (soil health observations for annual crops vs. tree crops). The morning program will be followed by afternoon field trip options to go to the Martens farm at 1443 Ridge Rd, Penn Yan, NY, 14527 to see a direct descendent of a Persian walnut tree that survived the killer frost in 1935 or to Black Squirrel Farms at 590 State Route 14, Penn Yan, NY 14527 to tour the site, see a black walnut stratification demo using nuts from a local black walnut tree more than 250 years old and participate in a walking tour / guided discussion on options for responding to invasive species damage with a focus on emerald ash borer.

Seneca Lake Duck Hunters Club Pavilion
2188 State Route 14, Penn Yan, NY 14527
United States
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