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IOS Italian Tour 20 – 22 October 2014

Event Date:
Monday, 20 October 2014 to Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Organizers Christof van Hulle and Dirk Benoit have shared the following details of the IOS Tour of Southern Italy:
Sunday 19 October: Arrive in Bari (later we will suggest a hotel where we can meet).
Monday 20 October: Tour begins
- Foresta umbra (www.ecogargano.it, in Italian) includes several Quercus species and also an impressive Taxus (Tasso dell’Ispettore)
- Picnic
- Monastery - il Convento dei Cappuccini – specimen of Quercus ilex
- Sleep in Rifugio Sfilzi (www.rifugiosfilzi.com) max 20 beds - if we are more we can always sleep in Vieste near the sea.
Tuesday 21 October
Le Pianelle
- Leaving Gargano in the morning and travel
- Aperitif and early picnic
- Afternoon: Le Pianelle (www.riservaboscopianelle.it, in Italian) – Quercus ilex, Q. pubescens, Q. trojana.
- Sleep in Alberobello
Wednesday 22 October
- Quite a drive to Tricase
- Quercia dei Cento Cavallieri (check out this video)
- Picnic under the Quercia
- Bosco monotipico di Tricase: super interesting, Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis is native, the rest of the ‘bosco’ is landscaped, but it’s a fine collection (all trees are tagged) of all the local varieties of Quercus (Q. cerris, Q. ilex, Q. pubescens, and Q. trojana)
We will be back in Bari Wednesday evening late so it is best to book a flight back home on Thursday. You can stay in a hotel of your choice but most of us will probably stay in the same hotel as the one we will suggest for Sunday evening.
- Around 25 €/person (if we share rooms) a night
- Picnic not more than 10 €/person
- Bus depends on how many we are, but we think between 20 and 30 €/person/day : total 60 €/day
- Food in the evening is free choice and not included in the price.
- Also the overnight in Bari on Sunday evening and Wednesday evening are not included.
- The trip as indicated below is around 500 km, but this is one way only.
To regsiter or to request more information, please email tours@internationaloaksociety.org
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