Editor's Picks
Who was Quercus grahamii named in honor of?
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The Tree of the Year Association in Germany selected a non-...
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Plant Focus
A little-known species from the northern Zagros forests of Iran
International Oaks No. 25 (2014)
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Table of Contents
Click on the links below to download individual articles
- Foreword: You Reap What You Sow (But Not Always) - Allen Coombes
- From the Editor: Sugar and Spice - Béatrice Chassé
- Update: Thoughts in Purple and Blue- Shaun Haddock
- Creating Sustainable Income From the Ancient Oak Forest on Kea Island, Greece - Marcie Mayer Maroulis
- Searching for the Hardy Southern Live Oak - Anthony S. Aiello and Michael S. Dosmann
- The Hybrid Oak That Time Forgot: Quercus ×coutinhoi Samp. Discovered in Australia - Charlie Buttigieg
- Sudden Oak Death, Phytophthora ramorum: a Persistent Threat to Oaks and Other Tree Species - Susan J. Frankel and Katharine M. Palmieri
- Diversity Within Oaks - Kiran Bargali, Beena Joshi, S.S. Bargali, and S.P. Singh
- The Mirbeck Oak in Iberia: Source of an Inspiration - Antonio Lambe
- Oak-Rod Baskets in Brown County: Historic Photographs of a Craft Tradition - Jon Kay
- The Anlaby Commemorative Oaks: an Extraordinary Case of Multiple Ground-Layered Branches in Quercus canariensis Willd. - Charlie Buttigieg
- Oak Open Day, Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, United Kingdom, July 29, 2013 - Hugh Angus
- Quercus senescens Hand.-Mazz.? - Béatrice Chassé
- Oak Open Day, Pavia Nusery, Belgium, September 22, 2013: The Art of Grafting - Eike Jablonski
- Oak Open Days, Aiken Oak and Horticultural Tour, USA, November 1-3, 2013 - Roderick Cameron
- In Search of Vietnam’s Elusive Oaks: Chassé-Colin-Snyers Vietnam 2013 (CCSV13) - Béatrice Chassé