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Plant Focus

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7th California Oak Symposium: Managing Oak Woodlands in a Dynamic World

Event Date: 
Monday, 3 November 2014 to Thursday, 6 November 2014

General Overview:

Beginning in 1979, there have been a series of symposia held every 5 to 7 years addressing the state of our knowledge about science, policy and management factors affecting California’s oak resource. This upcoming program represents the 7th symposium in the series. California’s oak woodlands cover 10 percent of the state, and in addition, are a key ecological component of conifer forests. Oak woodlands are the most biologically diverse broad habitat in the state, making conservation of their ecosystem values an important policy and management priority. The meeting location in the San Joaquin Valley, is conveniently situated for both northern and southern California oak scientists, managers, policy makers and interest groups, and provides opportunities for field trips to valley oak riparian forests, foothill woodlands, and oaks in mixed conifer forests.


The conference is intended for anyone involved in research, education, management, and conservation of California’s oak woodlands. This includes foresters, range managers, tribes, arborists, landowners, community groups, land trusts and policy makers.


For further detail, visit: http://ucanr.edu/sites/oaksymposium/


Visalia Convention Center
303 E Acequia Ave Visalia, CA
United States
Event Category: