Editor's Picks
Plant Focus
4th Iberian & International Conference on Acorns for Human Consumption

IOS member Joan Monserrat has shared details of this event:
"Many acorn projects are popping up in Spain and Portugal. New food products, new research, and even public institutions are starting to take acorn-as-food seriously; the Extremadura Provincial Government is carrying out surveys for finding sweet-acorn-producing oak trees and the Spanish central government is creating a national collection of oak tree cultivars for agricultural use.
The IV Conferencia Ibérica e Internacional de la Bellota para Alimentación Humana will be held in Extremadura, Spain on January 28th and 29th. There will be very interesting presentations and the possibility to taste quite a few acorn products and also many sweet acorns. It will focus on acorn as food and the production of oak trees for agricultural use. Presentations will be in Spanish and Portuguese and there is the possibility to attend online. Unfortunately there won't be English simultaneous translation, but perhaps, after the event, some of the presentations will be posted online with English subtitles."