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Plant Focus

Quercus magnosquamata acorn
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2019 Burr Oak Canyon Tree Symposium

Event Date: 
Thursday, 17 October 2019 to Friday, 18 October 2019

Growing Better Trees Across the Great Plains

Burr Oak Symposium
Burr Oak Canyon © Nebraska Statewide Arboretum

Brought to you by the Norris Institute and the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum with additional support from Nebraska Forest Service and Nebraska Arborists Association.

Click here to register.

Presenters: Greg Morgenson, North Dakota State University; Eric North, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Tim Buchanan, former City Forester of Fort Collins; Lucinda Mays, Chadron State College; Heather & Brian Byers from Great Plains Nursery; Steve Rolfsmeier, Chadron State College Botanist; Scott Skogerboe, Fort Collins Nursery; and Tim McDonnell, Kansas Forest Service.

Conference Session Topics:

  • Why Trees Matter Challenges for Trees on the Plains
  • Tree Selection for the Great Plains
  • Young Tree Planting and Care
  • Insects and Diseases
  • Tree Production Methods and Limitations
  • The World of Fungi, Moss and Lichens
  • Fruit Trees and Berries


Pre-Conference Workshop (for tree stewards and the general public) - Thursday Morning 9-12pm at Student Union - includes hands-on activities related to planting, establishment, pruning and diagnosing biotic and abiotic stresses.

Conference sessions 1-4 - Thursday Afternoon 1-5pm at the Student Union

BBQ - Thursday Evening 6-9pm at Common Scents Nursery with craft beer and entertainment

Conference sessions 5-7 - Friday Morning 9-11:30am at Student Union

Tour the relict stand of trees in nearby Burr Oak Canyon - Friday Afternoon 12-4pm (Busing and Lunch provided by MPCC)


Full Conference - $140 (includes all Thursday and Friday conference activities (Pre-Conference Workshop, Conference Session 1-7, BBQ, Burr Oak Canyon Tour and t-shirt (select size in "workshop" section of registration)

Conference - $120 (does not include Pre-Conference) includes Conference Session 1-7, BBQ, Burr Oak Canyon Tour and t-shirt (select size in "workshop" section of registration)

Pre-Conference - $30 - includes pre-conference only

BBQ - $30 - includes BBQ only

Burr Oak Canyon Tour - $30 - includes Lunch (Busing provided by MPCC)

Register by October 10 to avoid late fee. Space is limited to first 100 registrants. Please call 308-345-8122 for questions and/or assistance with registration. 

You can also contact IOS members Dan Kostka and Bruce Hoffman, who will be attending the event (contact details in Membership Directory). 

For lodging options, visit https://visitmccook.com/lodging/.

McCook Community College
1205 E 3rd St, McCook NE 69001
United States
40° 12' 33.0012" N, 100° 37' 16.4568" W
Event Category: